WBlock the country who have shown a history of anti-spam solutions, spam and virus mail products at the same time as the blocking solution. G5, the latest version of the deal under any circumstances be a variety of powerful anti-spam techniques as possible throughout the country's lowest False Positive and False Negative, Domestic (Hauri), foreign (Sophos) Virus-mail with the engine block, a large amount of mail traffic capable of operating reliably in SMTP engine, and with firmware updates improve product quality, the history of all messages sent and received to manage the integrated mail list function, at various times and conditions that can be sent to the spam list of individuals, other settings file backup and recovery capabilities are available.
Some of the mail blocked as spam is saved and not saved because some of the difficulties did not you? WBlock G5 all the mail data can be stored IP blocking, RBL, SPF, such as step-up in the blocked-mail also can see the original message.
WBlock G5 multi-platform (Multi-platform), taking into account design, developed as a Windows, Unix system that supports both is the nation's only webmail solution.
Through the incoming mail through the virus-mail and webmail to download an attachment that provides virus protection. Domestic (Hauri), foreign (Sophos) once the engine operating on a server-side installation is possible. (Optional)